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8 Rabbit-Resistant Flowers & Herbs

Posted by Deerbusters on 29th Apr 2014

At DeerBusters, we know it can be frustrating growing a lush, healthy garden only to see your plants be eaten by rabbits. While rabbits love a wide variety of flowers and herbs, we’ve found a few that they’re not so fond of. Consider growing these plants in your garden next time:

Black-Eyed Susans

While native to the U.S., Black-Eyed Susans (or Rudbeckia) are usually only popular in southern states like Alabama, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. This plant can grow up to 6 inches tall and boasts 2″-3″ golden orange flowers that bloom in August and September, which can be beautiful additions to your garden.


Impatients can be found with 1-inch flowers in colors like red, white, purple, pink, and peach, and are a relatively hearty plant. Some species are annual plants and can produce flowers from early spring until the beginning of fall, while others are perennial plants and will bloom all year round.


This annual herb comes in many varieties such as sweet basil, Thai basil, and lemon basil – each of which has a menthol aroma and a peppery, semi-sweet flavor that varies depending on the species. Basil can grow anywhere between 12 and 51 inches tall.


There are over 1,000 species of begonia plants – some flowering types and others foliage types. Flowering begonias can be found in yellow, orange, red, and pink, and most grow to be about 14 inches tall, while foliage begonias are available in a variety of colors, shapes, and textures and can grow between 12 and 18 inches tall.


Oregano is a perennial herb that comes from the mint family. It can grow anywhere between 8 inches and 30 inches tall and produces purple flowers. The herb is often used in Italian cooking and has a warm, slightly bitter taste that’s often magnified when dried.

Bleeding Hearts

The bleeding heart plant got its name because of the shape of its flowers. Each heart-shaped bloom has a protruding tip at the base, making it look like it’s “bleeding.” The plant boasts flowers in either red, pink, or white (in some rare cases, yellow). Some species bloom in the spring while others bloom in the spring, summer, and fall in the right temperatures.


This evergreen shrub is a perennial herb – the most common type (the Old World type) grows about 2 feet tall and has lavender-colored flowers that appear in late spring or summer. Its leaves can be up to 2 1/2 inches x 1 inch and have a woody, slightly bitter taste.


These yellow-colored annual flowers often bloom in summer and fall and are native to the U.S. If you’re looking for a tall addition to your garden, sunflowers can grow anywhere between 5 and 12 feet high, with flower heads around 12 inches in diameter.

How to Keep Rabbits Out…

If you have other plants that rabbits seem to love, we have the perfect solution for keeping them out of your garden. Our deer fencing company has an Ultrasonic Motion Activated Deer and Animal Repeller that emits an ultrasonic blast at a frequency above human hearing level in order to startle the rabbits and scare them away from the area.

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