Can Deer Catch Coronavirus?
Posted by Jennifer Smith on 7th Apr 2020
The Coronavirus may be shutting people inside houses, but it isn't stopping white-tailed deer from exploring yards - fearlessly. Due to lack of human activity, deer are comfortable running into areas where they wouldn't normally travel, such as urban areas. We know that COVID-19 is spread between person to person; but news out of the U.S., Europe and Asia reported that dogs, cats and even tigers have contracted the virus. One must wonder, if these animals can catch Coronavirus, can deer and other wildlife get the virus, too?
After all, deer spread Chronic Wasting Disease to other cervid members; and they are one of the main carriers of deer ticks with Lyme Disease; so, it seems possible that deer could catch Coronavirus - and since they roam in herds, we know they aren't practicing social distancing.
To eliminate the worry, homeowners can fence out deer and reduce the chance of virus spreading; tick diseases; CWD and other health troubles between people and animals alike.