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Pet Owners: Big Or Small Dogs?

Posted by Jennifer Smith on 22nd Aug 2019

Sixty-Eight percent of American households own a pet; and it's no wonder why. Most pets, such as dogs, are great with children; playful with other animals; and loving among owners. We may think that we are in the era of lap dogs; but the results are in; and Americans prefer bigger dogs to smaller purse dogs.

A survey conducted by "California-based pet care rating and recommendation website RightPet, was conducted online between 2010 and 2018, and examined 23,550 dog breed reviews from 12,167 pet owners from 106 countries." (

Here is what the data showed:

  • Both men and women preferred large dogs - despite statistics showing that women prefer cats over dogs.
  • Men and younger people are more satisfied with medium to large sized dogs. (Could be a complex?)
  • Women like that dogs are kid-friendly companion pets. 

When thinking about adopting a dog, consider factors such as family, health and lifestyle to find the best dog breed. 

  • Need dog fencing? Click here to view humane alternatives to electric fence for dogs.


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