Prepare Gardens For Winter
Posted by Jennifer Smith on 9th Jan 2019
The winter weather may be challenging for some home gardeners; but there is still plenty of gardening work that needs to be done (and plenty to grow!). Gardeners will need to perform these gardening tasks this winter to prepare for spring:
- Limit fertilization as you prepare for winter
- Continue watering to provide trees and plants with ample moisture to get them through dry winters
- Pull all weeds
- Be sure to spread new mulch
- After first frost, get rid of any dead flowers
- Dig up tender bulbs like dahlias and gladiolus and store in a cool, dark place
Since deer mating season just ended, and coyote breeding season just began, it's recommended that gardeners consider wildlife management strategies before the first day of spring. Wildlife fencing is affordable and easy to install and guaranteed to reduce the amount of wild animals on lawns and gardens.