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Going Green

Posted by Cassidy Plasterer on 4th Apr 2022


To those who ARE gardeners or have gardening friends, you know that a lot of time and hard work is put into each and every single garden. Gardeners plant because they love it. They love the growing process, nurturing their veggies, plants, flowers (you name it), and the final product. Some would say gardening is an ART—I certainly agree. Gardening provides many benefits to its gardener; it encourages physical activity, mood stabilization, and teaches patience.

Due to the hustle and bustle of caring for our garden, it can slip our mind that gardening is not just beneficial to our well-being, but the ecosystem too!

No matter the plant, they all add a little “spice” (or color). Although plants might not be everyone’s thing (and THAT’S OKAY), there is a dramatic difference in yards with no plants vs a house with flowers, shrubs, and trees. By adding plants to the environment, it creates a beautiful and welcoming space that can attract more wildlife (Reminder: Deer love your plants and they might visit for a quick bite—deer fencing is a wonderful way to protect your gardens or surrounding plants).

Gardening cleans the air and soil. Many of you are aware of photosynthesis; plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then produce oxygen that spreads into the air. Thus, cleaning the air we breathe every day! Imagine being in New York City vs the Olympic National Park in Washington. Once you are there, what is the first thing you notice? The smell, right? As you walk into the National Park, there is an astounding “fresh air” smell, whereas, New York City has a “polluted” smell (If you have been to NYC, you know what I am talking about). Moral of the story, areas with more plants will have less chemicals or heavy metals that could filter into the air; so less stinky!

Plant roots replenish and protect. If you think about it, roots help bind soil together, making it less likely to wash away in unexpected storms. Which means, the more plants you have, the more soil you can conserve. Nutrients and moisture are another great benefit of the root systems. This could stimulate more healthy plants that you might consider planting at a later time.

Gardening helps diminish global warming. Each year, global warming becomes more of a concern. As more infrastructures are built, the more greenhouse gases are becoming trapped in the atmosphere. This is why phenomenon's such as melting ice caps, wildfires, severe storms, rising sea levels, and so on are increasing every year. By planting just a few plants, shrubs, trees, (you name it); it can diminish the effects of global warming. If you are growing fruits and veggies, this may limit your trips (car fumes) to the grocery store too! Overall, locally grown produce is a plus to any community.

Reducing the size of landfills. According to Perfect for Home 30% of landfills are filled with your yard scraps. Although natural, when it is mixed with other garbage, it emits methane. REUSE your scraps! It can make your garden even healthier!

Last but not least, gardening protects wildlife and pollinators. We want animals to feel that they have a safe home in their environment. Everything you plant is a home or food source for wildlife. By encouraging wildlife to stick around, we can work towards developing a happier and healthier ecosystem.

If you’d like to protect your plants, consider DeerBusters Fence Kits, it is a great way to preserve the integrity of your garden! There are numerous options available ranging from poly fencing to metal fencing. Oh, and did I mention the kits are all DIY?

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